Everyday Life in Hungary

October Delights Strolling Around The Pretty Village of Kisszékely, Hungary

Such a beautiful day, early morning sunshine convinced me it was time to have a walk around the village. I never know what to expect on my walks, there is always something interesting to look at at any time of year. We have had a lovely warm late summer this year, the flowers are still growing enthusiastically.

This ~Welcome Bicycle~ sits elegantly in front of one of two lakes in the village. It looks rather healthy and no doubt much loved by one or several of the villagers.

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I started my walk from just outside of the village boundary. On the approach into the village there is another “Welcome to Kisszékely” sign, beautifully complemented by the popular red Geraniums.

My initial intention was to walk as far as the busy animal farm a little way out of the village, then make my way back. There are usually many different animals to look at and photograph. Horses, donkeys, goats, sheep, llamas, pigs and deer, but none to be seen. Each day the animals are let out into certain fields on certain days. It is a bit of pot-luck if the animals are on the roadside enclosure. Today was not my lucky day…either they were somewhere else (different field) or they had not been let out yet. Undeterred, I walked up a dusty farm track, up the hill to see if I could see “ANY” kind of animal!! Nope not today, instead I took photos of deer tracks and would you believe my shoe print on the way up the track and then on the way down!

After my “no show” of animals I headed back towards the village. I was amazed at how green everything was, the warm weather has delayed Autumn but not for long I am sure. This photo is actually all about the winding road snaking up the hill and around the corner. The canopy of green trees worked perfectly to give a little mystery to my photo.

Traffic jam! Not really….. just a very frequent sight backwards and forwards through the village.

As you can see from the photo below, not all my photos are picture perfect. No doubt, if I was carrying a mobile phone my shot would be way better. The story behind this photo is that this is Henry Heron and he lives on the lake but he is extremely flitty and flies off at the slightest sound. I have been trying for years to photograph him but with little success. So today I was so excited to see my “first animal” and it was Henry! I quickly launched my camera into position, jammed it to my eye and pointed it in the right direction. As you can see my camera kindly autofocused on the foliage in front of my fleeing subject. Very frustrating. I don’t think I have got the patience to be a bird watcher!

Henry had made a hasty retreat and was now circling the lake presumably looking to perch somewhere and observe humans like me!

Here is Henry again as he circled some more.

Black and white Henry, his wing span is huge similar to a stork.

When I uploaded this photo it immediately reminded me of a certain very popular soap opera. If I said Hilda Ogden and Flying Ducks would you know what I was talking about??? I am sure British of a certain age will know!

I found this interesting piece about the flying ducks.

And if you have not guessed already it was Coronation Street.

After the excitement of the heron and ducks, I took a moment to stop and appreciate the October countryside. How very peaceful it was, stood leant up against a tree just listening to Mother Nature.

Walking back towards the village, I always get a feeling of being welcomed when I approach the signs. That is obviously the intention. The Council workers work very hard keeping the village neat and tidy, regardless of the weather! Temperatures get very high in the summer months making outdoor work uncomfortably hot.

This is a recent addition to the welcome sign, you might be wondering what it says? The translation is: Thank you for 800 years of Kisszékely. The village settlement is 800 years old which automatically called for lots of celebrating amongst the villagers.

And the other side: Come back to Kisszékely!

Baratok Tava – Meaning Baratok Lake This fishing lake has verified medieval origins which is quite unusual. The lake access is down a steep path winding through the trees until you come to a clearing and there is Baratok Lake. 

This was the first thing I photographed when I reached the clearing, “Sunny Gerrie’s” an expression my husband and I use to describe geraniums!!

At first look at the lake I spotted this white, what I thought was a discarded rubbish bag…it was moving slowly, I assumed propelled by the wind…but it got faster and faster until I squinted through my camera some more, extended the zoom and realised that it was a remote controlled boat!

I had not seen boats on the lake before other than an odd rowing boat. This was new to me…then I spotted the men on the opposite bank, remote control in hand looking pleased with themselves.

Normally I encounter this sort of lake activity – fishing! It is not free to fish, apparently you need to buy a pass for a nominal fee to enjoy the fish of this lake. I have never tried fishing, it does appear to be a popular sport in all the rural villages of Hungary.

My first thought when I looked down the length of the lake was Tranquility. I can understand fishermen coming down here for day fishing, it is so peaceful and has such beautiful surroundings.

I love the magnificent Weeping Willows. They bow their lengthy branches almost to the the waters edge, but not quite! I took photos from both sides of the lake.

This is Baratok Lake’s seasonally decorated fishing pavilion. There is a covered veranda to the side if you wish to sit and appreciate the view of the lake. There is an information board with photos of various fish with their species name that live in this lake.

Around the other side of the pavilion is this garden scene where a little imagination is needed! It made me stop, look twice, then laugh!

This is such a welcoming Autumn photo. Those crunchy brown leaves were shouting to be walked upon. I enjoyed the pleasure!

Dotted around the lake are lots of wooden piers and a wide variety of seating arrangements. If I was going to be fishing and sitting for some time (which the majority of fishermen do) I would choose the green wooden bench. I could not contemplate sitting on that very flimsy uncomfortable looking chair in the second photo. However, it did make an interesting thought provoking shot.

This giant Weeping Willow stood silently as I took my first photograph. By the time I had finished walking and turned back the wind had suddenly picked up. It was now blowing, whooshing and whispering to itself. I do like the ‘sounds’ of nature.

Transformed into a Windy Willow!

Late summer colour continues to brighten up the village with gorgeous displays of roses and marigolds at many houses.

Magnificent marigolds brighten the path.

Abundant Berries and huge wood piles are a common sight. Preparations for winter, chopping and stacking wood is underway. Massive deliveries of uncut wood are unloaded by delivery trucks at this time of year, just like this one. Owners can then look forward to having a winter supply of fuel.

A very pretty stylish hanging basket display worthy of a photo.

This is the other lake in the village, complete with a firepit, benches for picnics and leaning trees. I shall do a lake tour of this lake another time.

Finally, Kisszékely is a walkers paradise with numerous forest walks throughout the area. Each walk is colour coded with information boards at regular intervals. For those who like running there is also an annual village trail race, running through the forests with people competing from all over the county.

I hope you have enjoyed accompanying me on my October walk with my camera. There will be more camera-walks throughout the year. Thanks for reading 🍁🍁🍁