Puzzles and Crafts

Top Ten Reasons Why Being a “Jigsaw Junkie” is Not Nerdy!!

Hello everyone, here’s hoping you have all recovered from Christmas and New Year indulgences! We are well into January and a brand new year, Springtime is a long way off so it’s time for me to start getting creative during these long, cold days of winter. My idea of relaxing heaven is to put on some music and pull up my rolling chair to the kitchen table where my half completed jigsaw patiently awaits me.

My husband has absolutely no interest in jigsaws, I wonder if it is a predominantly female activity/hobby? I only know one male who enjoys challenging jigsaws, the rest are female. Do please leave a comment if you are indeed male and enjoy puzzles. Thanks.

Jigsaws are often thought of as “just a hobby” or aimed primarily at children, or just plain boring! Oh how wrong they are! I and millions of other people LOVE jigsaws. It got me thinking about all the fantastic benefits of doing jigsaws and why we should not be considered nerdy for liking jigsaw puzzles!!

Top Ten Reasons Why being a “Jigsaw Junkie” is not Nerdy!

In no particular order:

1. Brain Stimulation.  Jigsawing requires lots of analytical thinking, as you have to decide how the pieces fit together.

They also require the use of several cognitive skills, such as visual perception, spatial awareness, and problem-solving.

Read on to find out what other fabulous benefits there are when completing jigsaws… 

2. Prolongs Attention Span – Jigsawing increases your focus, concentration and attention span. Introducing puzzles in early childhood has many benefits, including building fine motor skills.  

3. Dexterity – If you have stiff fingers, then jigsawing creates nimble fingers. Think of how many times you dip into the box or pick a piece from the table. Work those fingers!

4. Stress Relieving – I like this one the most. It really is a relaxing activity, sometimes I am transported to the pretty destination in the image….I find myself in my own little jigsawing world! Is that the same for you too?

5.Teaches Patience and Perseverance – Introduce jigsaws to your children when they are young, it will equip them with the patience and perseverance skills required to ”keep going” and complete a puzzle. We all have had frustrating jigsaws, take a break and return with fresh eyes. It works.

6.Short Term Memory Improvement – Jigsaw puzzling gives your brain a major memory workout! Solving a puzzle helps increase your short term memory by training your brain to make speedy connections, perhaps a flash of colour reminds you of a different part of the puzzle. This connects the brain cells and improves the mental speed you think.

7. Attention to detail – 100% perfection is required for every piece placed! An excellent eye for detail is the most crucial ability to have when completing a puzzle, particularly if the pieces are similar, think sky or sea!

8.Visual Solving Skills. Toddlers develop their eye-hand coordination through practice with jigsaw puzzles. They see where a piece can go and follow up by moving that specific piece into place. Yet another advantage of starting your child jigsaw puzzleing at an early age. With practice, our eyes become quicker at recognising and remembering puzzle pieces. Brain training.

9.Family Time – Both adults and children often love to do jigsaw puzzles together as a family. Starting a jigsaw puzzle and having it on the coffee table in the living room invites the entire family to join in. It’s also a conversation starter especially if friends suddenly arrive….they always hover and want to pop a piece! Jigsaws have been proven to greatly increase collaboration skills and improve communication skills. A good all round family activity.

10. Accomplishment – When you correctly fit a puzzle piece, there is evidence that your brain produces higher levels of the ‘feel-good’ hormone dopamine, which leads to a feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment. Feeling accomplished goes hand in hand with an improved mood, morale booster, and personal satisfaction with every placed piece. Particularly the final one…🧩

I read on the web that as you develop problem solving skills you are likely to improve your IQ. Good thinking skills are strong indicators of an intelligent person.

Researchers have indicated that playing jigsaw puzzles can make you smarter! Food for thought. 😃

My passion for completing jigsaws has somewhat increased since I retired and moved to Hungary. I have the space, the time and a common interest with many other people. I have created a new group on Facebook for lovers of jigsaws….there are lots of us out there. If you have an interest in jigsaw puzzles or would just like to come along and check out the group, you are very welcome 😃

Join Me Jigsawing FaceBook Page

As an afterthought…completing a jigsaw reduces my screen time, it also gives me some “Me” time.

My First Puzzle of 2024

WINTER – The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady

Cobble Hill

Now it’s time to buy a new jigsaw!

Thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your day 🧩😃

By Sue

I am an English Ex-Pat living in Hungary with my wonderful husband and 19 year old son. You can find me frequently writing, reading and taking photographs. We live in a beautiful small rural village surrounded by forests and lakes always appreciating the beauty around us. Life is good.

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